Its time to get Shpongled!
Other than these last 100 tickets which will dissapear in a flash, Shpongle LIVE in the Roundhouse is completely sold out and no tickets will be available on the door. If you don't have a ticket, please do NOT turn up. The same goes for the afterparty. Both parties are filled. The afterparty has a Halloween fancy dress code like the 10th Birthday party in 2006. Remember how much fun that was? So don't forget your costumes!
'Beamed directly into your living room!'
We have some consolation news for you... The Shpongle event will be broadcasted LIVE on the internet! So for all you dissapointed people who are either too far away to join us or not quick enough off the mark to buy a ticket then you can at least watch the show. Benji Vaughan will be starting the show at 7pm GMT with a DJ Set and Shpongle are set to start their first ever UK live performance at 9pm GMT. The address to log onto is:
There will also be 350 individually numbered VERY limited edition T-Shirts available at the gig. So for those that made it will have something more than just fuzzy memories. Come and find the Twisted stall to find some other merchandising deals & goodies!
We will of course be recording the show and releasing a Shpongle Concert DVD complete with all kinds of special features. Watch this space for more news!
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