the sound from my left ear keeps reaching far and far away. it looks like there might be a moment of returning when it feels like it - 那左側的聲音呵~ 忍著越來越遠的旅程! 你應該會遇到一個會想家的點吧, 或者根本就....
星期一, 9月 29, 2008
星期日, 9月 14, 2008
[轉貼]WD 硬碟壞軌修復程式(含使用教學)
萬一遇上了使用 USB 外接裝置時,
1. 不用安裝,直接在Windows上運行。
2. 非 WD 硬碟亦可進行診斷或修復。
3. 外置 USB 硬碟亦可進行診斷或修復。
4. 顯示SMAT 狀態
星期六, 9月 13, 2008
補充說明 Macbook Pro 上面 boot camp安裝 XP 及 升級成 SP3的狀況解決
用Bootcamp 2.0安裝WinXP
一定要用 SP2的版本
才找到原因 哇咧!
([問題]boot camp下macbook鍵盤無動作)
裝的時候 要選擇NTFS-快速 這個格式
Apple網站上有Boot Camp 2.1 升級程式
他們建議 2.1的升級要在升級成SP3之前作
若出現 [沒有足夠的空間 至少需要4MB的額外空間…]
(裝了 Bootcamp 2.1之後, 就沒這問題, 因為底下的regedit已經做了,不信自己去查查看)
請去 開始–>執行–>regedit
找到 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup
在底下右鍵 新增字串值 BootDir 內容為 C:\
然後重新執行安裝程式 或是重新上去update 就可以
有關 Processing裡面 movie maker的測試 來自 網友PhiLho
Test of MovieMaker video type « on: May 20th, 2008, 11:27pm » | Quote \ Modify |
I tried to make a QuickTime video out of an animation I made, but it was late, so I lacked time. I tried a few codecs (types) at random, and either I got an awful quality, or enormous files! Or exceptions...
So today I made a little sketch to test all the types, and I thought I could share, since a quick search on the (current) forum doesn't show such study.
I made a non-trivial (ie. gradient), animated background, and some simple objects to see how they are animated and if they leave trails (traces) on the background.
Here is the code, if you want to experiment at home:
Tested with Apple QuickTime 7 for Windows (XP SP2)
ANIMATION: perfect - 1,800KB
BASE: empty! - 0
BMP: perfect, enormous! - 121,500KB
CINEPAK: Lot of artifacts on background, trail - 1,600KB
COMPONENT: Little artifacts on background, big! - 81,000KB
CMYK: empty! - 0
GIF: empty! - 0
GRAPHICS: Dithering - 16,600KB
JPEG: Good quality, reasonable size - 2,500KB
MS_VIDEO: empty! - 0
MOTION_JPEG_A: Good quality, reasonable size - 3,200KB
MOTION_JPEG_B: Good quality, reasonable size - 3,200KB
RAW: perfect, enormous! - 162,000KB
SORENSON: Little artifacts on background, small - 780KB
VIDEO: Small palette (blocky gradient), trails - 470KB
H261: Lot of artifacts on background - 460KB
H263: Lot of artifacts on background - 330KB
H264: Sketch fails (exception quicktime.std.StdQTException[QTJava:7.4.5g],-8960=codecErr,QT.vers:7458000) after writing 120KB
Writing big files slows down a lot the animation...
I hope this will help people.
bootcamp 2.0 安裝XP時 對硬碟NTFS or FAT 32 的討論
用Leopard的bootcamp安裝XP 分割完硬碟, 執行安裝到一半時,突然螢幕出現:
Press any key to boot from CD....
Disk error
Press any key to restart
不過任憑小弟按什麼鍵就是一直停在那裡, 嘗試關閉電源再打開畫面還是停在上面那三行....
Press any key to boot from CD....
Disk error
Press any key to restart
不過任憑小弟按什麼鍵就是一直停在那裡, 嘗試關閉電源再打開畫面還是停在上面那三行....
星期二, 9月 09, 2008
星期四, 9月 04, 2008
文章 (Atom)